Logical Operators: Exercises

1. The and Operator. In Python, the and operator is used to combine two conditions. It returns True if both conditions are True, and False otherwise.

For example, the expression (x > 5) and (y < 10) evaluates to True only if both x is greater than 5 and y is less than 10.

Define two Boolean values: condition1 = True and condition2 = False.

Use the and operator to combine the conditions.

# Define two boolean values condition1 = True condition2 = ___ # Use the 'and' operator to combine conditions result = ___ # Print the result print(result) # Define two boolean values condition1 = True condition2 = False # Use the 'and' operator to combine conditions result = condition1 and condition2 # Print the result print(result) test_object("condition1") test_object("condition2") test_object("result") success_msg("You correctly used the 'and' operator.")
Remember that the 'and' operator returns 'True' only if both conditions are 'True'.

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